My Guilty Pleasure

I was thinking an all-calories dinner as my guilty pleasure when I realized that my real, most induce guilt, yet indulging guilty pleasure is you. Yes, you. Just thinking about you brings me a sensation of emotional satisfaction.

But wait, it’s not the kind of that age restriction scenes that I have in mind. There will be too much guilt in it and too hard for me to bear with. It’s just what we’ve been through.

Bringing back those memories got me excited all the time. Thinking that somehow we have a chance to be together got me ecstatic. Sometimes, I spend a good deal of time just to be drowned in those pampering moments. It warms my heart, fill up the fuel in my mind. Makes me feel like there’s nothing I can’t do. But.. it’s not real.

I think that’s where the guilt comes into play. I fool myself every time I think that it could be real. Those thoughts… It’s too beautiful to forget, too amazing to be  ignored. Yet, too good to be true.

You know what’s the problem when something is too beautiful? It will disappear in the end. And you’d be left with nothing but pain. It will just disappear like a bubble. Yet this guilty pleasure is irreplaceable.

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