Madly In love

Do you know what I love the most about love? I like the idea that someone would do anything for the one they love. I astonish by how people will do all their mighty and even cross the border of sanity when they’re in love. And though I consider myself as a rational person, I’m still amazed by how the power of love can go beyond even the most sophisticated logic.

It’s beautiful. When two people committed to each other, take care one another and protect what they have, genuinely. Purely because they care about the other person. Solely for the happiness of their loved one. What’s more awesome is that you live your life like how it supposed to be but never forget your priority.

Ideally, that’s how it goes. But this life has never seemed to be a place for ideal. But that’s what makes it more interesting, isn’t it? When you can accomplish the purest form of love despite all the disruption happens in life. Despite what people trying to tell you. Cause the society nowadays is kinda unbelievable. They will tell you to fall in love. But when you’re madly in love with someone, they will tell you to come to your sense.  What’s the problem with them? However, my love live will be like a sanctuary.  I won’t let anyone mess around with it. It’ll be the greatest shelter I provide for my special one. The most beautiful thing I protect with my life. When I have one, of course.

I always think that if I will ever be with someone, I’m gonna be with someone whom I want to spend the rest of my life with. So when I have someone I’m interested in I would picture how life would be for us years ahead. I’m not interested in playing around. I don’t wanna give it a try. Cause once I made my decision, I’ll fight for it till the end.

I don’t wanna have a series of stories. I want to love one person and only that person for the rest of my life. I want to love that person completely without any disruption of feelings or memories from the past. Only now I realize how naive I was.

Cause when I met you, I wish I had more experiences. So I would know what to do. Cause even if I had a lot of information in mind, even if I heard stories all the time, even if I knew the theories of how to make it works, I never actually had a firsthand experience. And suddenly, it doesn’t seem good anymore.

I was madly in love but I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t even have the nerve to make a move because I had to bear with all the possibilities I had in mind. I was so afraid that I would hurt my precious one and don’t know how to make things right again. So in the end, I’m just a fool me.

I still love being madly in love. So I guess I’m not gonna go for more experience. Who can guarantee that I’m not gonna lost in it? I’m still a mischievous me after all. But I’m gonna after more preparation. So I can vanquish the possibilities I had to bear in mind. And when the time comes, I can really invite someone into my life, proudly.

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