Every action has a reaction. Though you're an accountant, I'm sure you must have learned it somewhere at school. But maybe the place you learn it a lot from was life. But we're not going to talk about physics now. I've never been a fan of a theoretic subject. So let's get into something more practical. I must not be…
Every day my life is like a dream If we can see and love each other I'll stand up again The happiness of those precious moments Will even be warmer during difficult times For me, hope is a dream that never sleeps Even if I stumble and fall thousand times I'm still standing like this I only have one heart When…
Do you know what I really like about you? I've been thinking about it since long ago. The result has me a very long list. But it full of individual characteristic. For me, to be caught up in all those things are a nonsense. If I really fall because of particular traits, means I could also fall for others who possess the same traits.…
I will move on I said, I know. I am also aware that in the process of moving on, admiration for that specific person is strictly prohibited. But I found a draft that I haven't managed to publish. Such a shame if I have to keep this a draft forever. So here we go. Have you ever watched Soul Surfer?…
I need someone who can fix a broken heart. I don't seem to be able to do this myself. I'm not good at mending a broken heart. I'm best at watching it fall apart, collecting every piece to ask for a replacement. So if you can't do anything to repair this crazy dying thing, at least tell me where I…
Close your eyes, take a deep breath, then put all the best and most entertaining thoughts inside your mind, including those crazy and silly ones. That's what I usually do when I couldn't fully get a grasp of a situation but don't want to put the least best possibility into consideration. Yeah, I know, this might not be the case…
There's a saying that if something's really meant to be it will always find a way. I think it's marvelous. When someone put their faith in something and believe in fate. At least that's what many people think. Destiny, fate or whatever it calls will work things out for them. But the saying, I think it's more than just put…
This is the third series of I must have missed you. I got another visit from an angel comes down from heaven in my dream last night. I wonder why is it every time I try to let go I appear to become half-insane and fall down. Having you visited my soundest sleep and misspoken some of the names to…
Still remember how I used to say that you always keep me puzzling? You are the most unique and complicated person I've ever known. And I must be the craziest person on earth to keep troubling myself like this. "You make me happy, you make me worry". You know, you shouldn't have written it. You should have received those words,…
It's no longer heavy when you share it with someone, isn't it? Apparently he finally does it right. Seeing how you seem to be happy, he must have treated you nicely. I'm happy for you. I always do. Even though it's really annoying, but I still prefer it this way rather than worry about you when you don't seem to…