

So How’s the Celebration Going?

I almost forgot! Isn't today your sister's birthday? She may not remember, but we met once. The night was dark, but her smile was bright. Do you all always smile with such sparkling eyes? I couldn't extract much information about her during that very short time, but I can tell that she's really nice. It's quite comforting to know that…

Take Good Care

Look at that… So you still are a morning person. And obviously, you still are as endearing as ever. So the other was just a one-day leave? You're back to work already? I thought you were going somewhere since you're sister's birthday is coming up. No? So… where did you go? Okay, I know… none of my business. But why…

Is It True?

Hello there.. How are you doing? Can't send you this, but I hope you're doing great. Hey, it's less than a month until another celebration. You're getting another year older though I bet you always stay young at heart. So how has your life been? Hopefully, every second are filled with happiness and joy. You know what some people often…